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Weightloss with a plan leads to success

Dr. med. Peter R. Gartner
Success Story
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Battle, crisis, cure and a comeback

A former soldier, marked by the scars of war and the consequences of a tragic accident, seeks help at the Park Igls Medical Spa Resort. Read what helped him not only to lose weight, but also to start a new life. An inspiring journey of renewal and hope.

Injuries everywhere

When nothing works anymore

The former soldier (in his early 40s) initially suffered a serious disc injury while serving with the British Army in Afghanistan. Despite two three-week rehabilitation stays and an early return to duty, his condition worsened. In a car accident three years later, he also suffered a complex knee injury known as the "unhappy triad" - damage to the medial collateral ligament, medial meniscus and cruciate ligament. 

The painkillers he was prescribed were so strong that he stopped taking them himself for fear of becoming addicted. He said: "I would rather endure pain than become addicted." His eating habits were characterised by the difficult circumstances; he often ate too much, too quickly and too late. This was compounded by a deep depression that overcame him after leaving the army.

Successful treatment with discipline and a plan

The therapy in detail

An article in which Modern Mayr Medicine was presented proved to be a turning point. During his first visit to Park Igls, he was guided through an eight-week, step-by-step nutritional programme, which ranged from a strict diet to a light wholefood diet as part of Modern Mayr Cuisine. This unusually long but necessary stay brought astonishing results: An impressive weight loss of almost 14kg, bringing his BMI down from 33.6 to 29.1!

Alongside his dietary changes, our guest underwent comprehensive therapy, including manual abdominal treatments, physiotherapy, massages, acupuncture and yoga. At the end of his treatment, he was not only significantly lighter, but also pain-free and more flexible. Enthusiastic about the new eating method and the therapies, he could hardly wait to share his experiences with family and friends.


Focus on relieving back and joint pain so that you can live a healthy and pain-free life.

7, 14 oder 21 nights

This is how we could help:

  • Initial examination
  • 14 manual abdominal treatments
  • 13 x physiotherapy units
  • 2 x physiotherapy units with assessment
  • 15 full massages
  • 18 partial massages
  • 2 Shiatsu units
  • 1 cranio-sacral therapy
  • 15 hay/moor wraps
  • 2 electrotherapy units
  • 10 x acupuncture
  • 4 metabolic detox baths
  • 1 x inhalation
  • 1 liver wrap with beeswax
  • 1 mud pack
  • 4 yoga sessions
  • 1 final examination

Good things take time, as the saying goes - and if you can take eight weeks, as in this case, you can justifiably expect a win-win situation from the patient's point of view and from a therapeutic, medical perspective.

Behandelnder Arzt

Dr. Peter Gartner

Dr Peter Gartner is Head Physician at Park Igls Medical Spa Resorts and heads the medical team on site. Here you can read anonymised reports on diagnostics and therapy at the Park Igls Medical Spa Resort. As a certified F.X. Mayr Health Centre, we regularly report medical case studies to the International Society of Mayr Physicians.

"The lifestyle change that took place during the long stay is particularly pleasing. Now - in retrospect - we can expect a number of things to take effect in the man's daily life."

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