4 min reading time

A way out of self-doubt & overweight

Dr. med. Peter R. Gartner
Success Story
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Strengthened self-esteem despite obesity

From the picturesque hills of his home community to the challenges of adolescence: how a young man successfully battles obesity, self-doubt and health problems and finds his way to self-acceptance and renewal at Park Igls Medical Spa Resort.

A difficult start into life

The back story

The young man grew up in the midst of a lively extended family surrounded by picturesque hills and had to fight against life's adversities from the very beginning. Born prematurely, he was born two months early, which led to long-term breathing problems. Despite these early challenges, he found solace in the family farm environment. However, the signs for a physically healthy life were not favourable from the start.

Obesity, smoking and sleep apnoea

The downward spiral

Adolescence brought new problems into his life: severe obesity and the associated psychological stress. His preference for sugary drinks and unhealthy eating habits made his situation increasingly worse. With a weight of 350 pounds at a height of 6 foot 4, he found himself in a constant battle against himself and the world around him. Smoking and his obstructive sleep apnoea didn't make things any easier.

Turning point & therapy

With the support and motivation of his parents, who made it possible for him to stay at Park Igls for several weeks, he began a transformative journey. With no prior knowledge of the method and philosophy of Modern Mayr Medicine, but with a burning determination, he began his treatment.

He followed a strict diet and exercise programme and was actively supported by one-to-one psychological sessions with our highly qualified in-house health psychologists

A good foundation for the future

Result & Summary

The guest was able to achieve an impressive weight loss of 10 kg in just 24 days, with his BMI dropping from 42.5 to 40.2. But more than the physical changes, it was the clearly recognisable inner transformation that gave the most hope for long-term positive change.

"In this case, the complex disorder of massive obesity is shown in an exemplary way. The psychological constellation within the family since early childhood is also of great importance here. It was nice to see how, in addition to weight loss, we were also able to notice a significant improvement in self-esteem during the stay. This guest was suffering a great deal, which gave us hope that he would successfully implement the healthier lifestyle he learnt with us into his everyday life."

The attending physician

Dr Peter Gartner

Dr Peter Gartner is the Head Physician at Park Igls Medical Spa Resorts and heads up the medical team on site. Here you can read anonymised reports on diagnostics and therapy at the Park Igls Medical Spa Resort. As a certified F.X. Mayr Health Centre, we regularly report medical case studies to the International Society of Mayr Physicians.

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