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Relieve menopausal symptoms: Expert tips from Park Igls

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Focus on simple remedies

Would you like to cure your menopausal symptoms naturally? The experts from the Park Igls Medical Spa Resort explain how this is possible with simple means.

Experts recommend...

Natural remedies for menopausal symptoms

What's wrong with me?
Hot flushes, difficulty sleeping, lethargy and reduced concentration, loss of libido, weight gain and hair loss… the list of hormone-related changes a woman going through menopause can experience seems endless. But there is hope: our Park Igls experts discuss some of the underlying causes of menopausal symptoms, many of which they say are easily rectifiable, and share their advice on how to combat the hormonal maelstrom.

Research shows that around 80% to 85% of women complain of menopausal symptoms, a topic on which Professor Bettina Toth, Park Igls consultant and Director of the University Clinic for Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine in Innsbruck, is an expert. ‘On average, [menopause occurs] between the ages of 50 and 52. Early symptoms can appear in the transition phase (or perimenopause), as early as two to three years before the actual menopause.

I have also had patients with premature ovarian failure (which affects about 1% to 2% of women) who were menopausal as young as 17.’ Professor Toth’s clinic is point of contact for women in all stages of life, from puberty to menopause and beyond, and focuses on hormone diagnostics and therapy. Their aim is to support women through the menopause as much as possible with the best treatment options for them.

Natural remedies

What do you do if you are sceptical about hormone replacement therapy? Exactly: You research on the internet what natural remedies are available. In the end, you are just confused. The solution to your problems is closer than you think. The team of doctors at Gesundheitspark Igls – under the direction of head physician Dr. Peter Gartner – treats menopausal complaints holistically. The therapy is based on three pillars:


Strengthening the immune system through intestinal cleansing. This is where Mayr therapy unfolds its full effect. It ensures a functioning intestine and at the same time reduces the risk of cancer.


The use of herbal preparations in drop or tablet form. Dr. Sonja Schottkowsky, expert in the field of herbal medicine, recommends black cohosh and red clover after prior gynaecological clarification.


A mindful lifestyle - 2.5 hours of sport every week and as much exercise as possible in everyday life, a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and wholemeal products. When it comes to coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, the dose makes the poison.


A week for myself

Menopause has become a recurring theme at Park Igls over the years, so much so that a separate programme has been developed. "Menopause-Fit" accompanies women through the time of hormonal change and gives them tools to understand, accept and deal with the change.

Meno Chance

Love your age – experience your body, mind and soul as a hormonious whole, discover your second Spring with joy and have time for being a woman.

7 nights

Why suffer any longer and dread the next hot flush? The medical team at Park Igls will work with you to find the right recipe for success. This way you can get your menopausal symptoms under control in the long term and get a fresh start in midlife.

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